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Restaurant Management Tips for Happy Employees & a Successful Business


If you want your restaurant to be successful, there's a good chance that you're going to have to build a team of happy employees. And if you want your team of happy employees to do their best work, they're going to need some tools. Luckily, in this article I've collected some of the best management tips out there for helping managers and business owners keep their teams on track and productive—plus tips for getting the most out of your own work as well.

Communicate regularly with your staff.

Regular communication is one of the most important things you can do as a restaurant manager. You need to keep your employees informed about what’s going on at work, and you also need to make sure they know how their work affects the bottom line. That being said, it’s important not to overdo it—you don’t want them to feel like they're constantly being told what to do by someone who doesn't know what's going on in their life outside of the restaurant (which is probably true).

So how often should you communicate with your staff? I recommend using a variety of methods so that people don't feel like they're being inundated with emails or texts or whatever else 24/7; at least once every week or two should be sufficient for most businesses. Make sure your messages are clear and easy-to-understand, so there's no confusion about what's expected from employees when it comes time for performance reviews and raises/demotions/etcetera.

Finally: make sure that any information coming from upper management reaches appropriate ears within each department—if not everyone knows about something important happening in another department then productivity could suffer due to miscommunication.

Check in with yourself.

It’s easy to focus on the other people in your business, but it’s also important to check in with yourself. Be aware of how you feel and what you need. Are you tired? Angry? Hungry? Tired again? These things can all affect how well (or not) you do at work. It helps to know what your strengths and weaknesses are, too—you don't want to overwork yourself when there's someone else who could do the job better for less effort!

Also remember that work is not all about work—there are other aspects of life outside the restaurant that also need attention from time to time: family members; friends; school or training programs; hobbies...the list goes on.

Don't micromanage.

If you don't trust your employees to make decisions, they won't be happy. They'll feel like they can't do what they need to do and this will lead to resentment or anger.

This is one of the biggest causes of stress in restaurants (and other businesses). It's also one of the most common reasons for turnover. When someone quits, it's usually because they didn't feel like their boss trusted them enough or gave them enough freedom. This is something that shouldn't happen in any business, but especially not in a restaurant where customer service is everything.

Help your staff grow professionally.

One of the ways a restaurant manager can keep employees happy is by encouraging them to grow professionally. By providing opportunities for professional development, offering training, and fostering mentorship relationships within the company or in your industry, you’ll create an environment where employees feel challenged and supported at the same time.

If you own a small business that offers long-term positions with advancement potential (such as working your way up from server to manager), it may be helpful for you to clearly define this path for new hires so they understand how they can move forward over time. This is also valuable information for current employees: If your staff knows what's in store for them if they stick around long enough—and if these opportunities are something they're interested in pursuing—they'll be more likely to stay with your company as well as develop into good leaders themselves.

Offer rewards for a job well done.

If you want your staff to be motivated and productive, you need to give them the opportunity to celebrate their accomplishments. You might think that this kind of reward would only affect certain types of people or professions, but there are many ways to positively reinforce your team's work.

  • Monetary rewards: These could include bonuses, paid time off for good performance or a raise (if appropriate).

  • Non-monetary rewards: These could include recognition in front of other employees or coworkers and public praise from management about how well an employee did their job. This type of recognition is sometimes more powerful than getting paid extra money.

Spend time outside of the restaurant with your staff.

You're the boss, so you should be spending a lot of time in your restaurant. However, don't forget to get out of the kitchen and spend some quality time with your staff!

  • Get to know each employee personally. Find out about their families and hobbies outside of work. This will make them feel more like part of the team, which will make them happier and more engaged in their jobs.

  • Show appreciation for all that they do for you by giving them rewards or bonuses when they go above and beyond during a shift (not just related to sales).

  • Encourage employees to share ideas with one another; this will increase morale among staff members as well as make it easier for everyone on staff to improve processes together rather than alone (or worse yet ... not at all).

Happy employees are productive employees, and productive employees can help build long-term success for your business.

Happy employees are productive employees, and productive employees can help build long-term success for your business.

This is because happy employees are more likely to stay with your restaurant. According to the Restaurant Business Review, the average turnover rate in the restaurant industry is between 20% and 25%. That means that on average, more than one employee will leave every month! This can create huge financial losses for a small business owner.

On top of this, happy employees have a better attitude and work harder than unhappy ones do. They're also more likely to recommend their employer's business to others—which leads to even more sales! In short: if you want your staff to be motivated enough to do their job well (and not quit), then make sure they're happy first.


We hope this article has helped you understand the importance of keeping your staff happy, and how to do it. Remember that these tips are just a guide—you may find other ways to improve your restaurant and keep employees engaged. But at the end of the day, the most important thing is that you listen to your staff and create an environment where they feel supported and appreciated.

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